Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What A Wonderful Day................

You know how it is: you don't mean to but you take things for granted.  I must admit that I try hard not to and kick myself now and again, to remind myself of all the good things in life but life takes over and things can get really busy and I tend to be a bit blinkered and just see all that I have to do.  Well last Friday, I had to go to the hospital for some tests as my health is a bit wierd.  However, for once the tests were good but the Doctor told me that I need to walk 45 minutes a day. 

I came away feeling really pleased about the results and determined to do the walking.  After all lets face it, we live surrounded by beautiful countryside and I remember when we first found our house, we raved about the walks that we could do.  Anyway, this morning was one of those fabulous bright clear days with a touch of chill in the air, so first thing before we started to work, we decided to go for a walk and to take two of our llamas with us.  Let me introduce you to Campo on the left and Chiclayo on the right.

What a walk, you know that old cliche "it makes you feel glad to be alive" - well it did.  It was great to be with the llamas too, who are oh so curious about everything.  However, they can also be very stubborn and a walk can sometimes be a stop, particulary when the neighbours stop for a chat!

Also they like to stop for a snack along the way as they find all types of yummy things that are not in their paddock.  They also like to take in the view. Here is Campo having a good look.

The wild flowers are fabulous at this time of year and I tried to photograph a few.  Sorry if some of them are a little out of focus but I was taking the shots one handed, whilst holding a llama in the other!

Campo thought that he was helping nature by doing the odd bit of pruning!

I think that he would have been quite happy to continue with his pruning along the lane if it was not for the fact that his best mate Chiclayo was not waiting for him.

We finally caught up but not before Campo became spooked at crossing a puddle.  They really seem to dislike crossing water, even when it is just a puddle.

All four of us came home feeling nice and relaxed after such a great walk. 

And were greeted by the little calves in the neighbouring field who are just as curious as the llamas.

While we were out enjoying our walk, the farming fraternity were full steam ahead with cutting the grass before the rain that is forecast for later in the week.  There is such a fabulous scent in the air when the cutting is taking place, I wish that I could bottle May's scent for use the rest of the year.

It was a great way to start the morning and yes, it is a truly wonderful day.  I hope that you are all having a wonderful day........
À Bientôt xxxx


  1. Hello Janette

    You live in a beautiful place and I enjoyed accompanying you on your walk.
    Thanks for sharing
    As your new follower, I look forward to your visit to my blog and will welcome your comments


  2. Thank you Helen, I will pay you a visit right now.
    J xxx

  3. Hi Janette,
    Yes, it's beautiful in Wales today too, first time in a long time!

    "I was taking the shots one handed, whilst holding a llama in the other"! - Now that's a sentence I don't think I've heard before :-)

    Can't believe the story you told me about your USA buyer. As dealers, we all buy thinks for less than we sell them , otherwise what is the point, but to mark something from $300 and mark up to $1,400 is just greed!

    Enjoy the rest of the beautiful day!

  4. Hello Janette:
    What fun we have had walking alongside you through this most marvellous countryside. It is not every day that we walk with a Llama in tow!!!

    We too enjoy walking and it is so true that one feels invigorated afterwards. As we do very little else in the way of exercise, we feel that walking is important to keep fit.

    What good news about your tests!

    1. Thank you very much, yes I hope that being told to walk will make all the difference. Mind you today is a different story with rain, wind and thunder......

  5. First of all, I'm glad you had good news on the health front. What beautiful views and countryside you have to enjoy. Wow, just gorgeous!!
    Mary Alice

  6. Thank you Mary Alice - have a great weekend. xxx

  7. Hi Janette,
    Had to drop in for another look at the llamas. Hope you have a nice weekend!
